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    Every one of Shereens products are blessed and charged on her aters for at least a month before we start sending out products. If you send a personalized intention it will sit on Shereens alter. these are ready to be sent out


    Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection. It can recognize a psychic attack and works to negate the effects of any harmful energies coming your way.

    It is also a stone of serenity and peace, calming tempers, releasing stress, and bringing the mind and body together harmoniously.

    Lapis Lazuli encourages self-awareness and taking charge of your own life. It helps us express ourselves safely and empowering without holding back and brings the qualities of honesty, compassion, and integrity to the wearer.

    Benefits Of Using Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli has many qualities that can enhance your life, especially in spiritual growth.

    It carries an energy of universal wisdom that can help you find your spiritual path and step into your power.

    This stone acts quickly to release stress and brings a deep sense of peace because of its immense power of serenity.

    The Healing Powers Of Lapis Lazuli

    Emotional Healing Powers

    The frequencies of this crystal are loving and serene. They vibrate in tune with your electromagnetic field and help you to realize the importance of self-care in your emotional life.Many of us spend far too long dwelling on what we perceive to be “wrong” with ourselves and berating ourselves for not doing better.If you have issues with body image, you will hopefully already be aware that constant self-criticism damages your emotional and mental well-being. Allow this stone’s supportive and empowering energies to help you address your negative thoughts or behavior around yourself, your body, and your abilities.Lapis Lazuli bonds friendships and relationships with love and compassion. It can help you dissolve passive-aggressive behavior patterns and state your own needs without making others feel bad or guilty.

    If you feel overwhelmed by the number of things you have to achieve daily, this stone can be a boon. It helps de-clutter a busy mind, promotes clarity of thinking, and encourages productive organizational and prioritizing skills.

    Physical Healing Powers

    Physically, Lapis Lazuli can alleviate pain, especially in the head and neck areas. It helps to overcome depression and anxiety and balances blood pressure.

    This stone can benefit the respiratory and nervous systems, support the thyroid, larynx, and throat, cleanse the bone marrow and boost the immune system. It is also useful for treating the symptoms of vertigo and insomnia.

    Lapis Lazuli And Wealth

    Lapis Lazuli attracts good luck and fortune. Any wearer of this stone will benefit from the energies that can turn all negative energies into positive ones.

    This crystal also helps you keep a clear head, especially if your path to wealth and success has been fraught with stress and unexpected complications.

    It will help you clarify the problems you can solve and which are best to resolve.

    Sometimes we need to go with the flow to attract the kind of wealth we want into our lives. This crystal can help you to feel safe enough to do this.Likewise, an open mind is far more receptive to new ideas, and this stone is excellent for helping you to let go of old beliefs, biases, and prejudices.Often, the readiest road to success is doing what nobody else has done before. And this crystal can help you to identify those new ideas that take a bit of out-of-the-box thinking.If you find that sharing your career ideas attracts naysayers and negativity, Lapis Lazuli can keep you confident on your road to success.Although those who talk against our ideas often criticize because they’re trying to help, sometimes you just have to stick with your point of view.It is an excellent stone if you are serious about gaining wealth, receiving abundance, or enjoying business success and career advancement.Lapis Lazuli For Love And RelationshipsLapis Lazuli is one of the best stones to call upon when it comes to love and relationships. It brings energies of wisdom, love, and emotional healing to the person wearing it or keeping it close to their bodies.It carries a powerful, loving vibration and easily transfers it to you, your aura, and all who come into contact with you.This crystal gives you the confidence, poise, and courage to go after what you want. You will not spend another minute feeling uncertain or insecure. You will know what you want, and you will know just how you will get it.The energies of Lapis Lazuli stones will help you overcome shyness and encourage you to come out of your shell.It can help you identify and bring to the surface past hurts, traumas, or complications that led to your uncertain or shy behavior and show you how to heal them.This is not always a comfortable experience. But the vibrations of Lapis Lazuli are there to support and heal you as you tackle more profound, troublesome experiences.So often, the mistakes we repeat in love and the cycles we recognize from one relationship to the next are deeply entrenched lessons that need to be rooted out, looked at, and overcome to enjoy life in the best way – and to help our souls to grow.Keep this stone close to you to attract those positive healing energies to you. But it also helps you share troubles with your partner to work out how best to move ahead together, stronger than ever.If you have had some not-so-good experiences with the people you have chosen to love, Lapis Lazuli will give you the strength, courage, and commitment to overcome these personal traumas. Heartaches, pains, and sorrows of the past will vanish when you allow this stone to work its magic on you.Lapis Lazuli can also bring inner power to anyone who needs it. It is a stone of communication that encourages open communication lines, honesty, openness, and mental clarity. There will be no need to keep secrets from the person you love. You can voice your concerns without feeling scared or worrying about the repercussions.This stone will enhance love and faithfulness in relationships and marriages.Lapis Lazuli is a crystal that works best with the Throat chakra. It enables you to say everything you could not say to people, especially to the people you love.

    With the help of this stone, you will have a better sense of self. And you will be able to reveal inner truths that can help you, your partner, and your relationship. You can work with your reality and make the necessary adjustments to continue enjoying the happiness and love you have right now.

    Having a Lapis Lazuli with you means you will have the courage to take charge of your love life. You will finally realize what you want out of your relationship, and not settle for anything less than butterflies in your stomach.

    You will finally confront even the harshest truths of your life and be honest to yourself, your partner, and the world. Any desire to be a martyr in love will dissolve because you will finally be brave enough to end your suffering.

    This is an excellent stone to have if you want to be happy in love. You will have peace and harmony to let love in and to let love stay and a clearer understanding of what you must do to be happy and stay in love. You will no longer feel fearful, shy, or uncertain because you will be more confident to take chances in love.



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