Epoxy and NATURAL crystal 3D painting 11x14 with free hamsa properity hamsa
This is an 11"x14" Epoxy painting with natural crystals incorporated into it. The painting you order will look like the picture seen above, but not exact. Also if you want to add any colors or any other crystals or stones, please let us know on the order form. This painting has green averturine , black obsidian green prehnite, and pyrate crystals in the epoxy. They are not falling off. Please let us know if you have a specific intention blessed on the painting or a special crystal. Shereens herbs and oils are mixed into the paint. These came from the holy land. All the crystals are charged and worked on by Shereen, and then the entire painting will be charged. Each painting is then charged under the moon cycles and then on Shereens alters. These will be made to order and will take 4 to 6 weeks to fully charge. THIS IS A HEAVY PAINTING WITH A LOT OF CRYSTALS ON IT. IT WEIGHS ABOUT 2.5 POUNDS